Fire & Ice | Sonoma, California


April 20, 1pm - 6pm

Sonoma Like it Hot Yoga Studio

We will dedicate five hours to immersion in heat and cold, guided by intensive breathwork and a mindful movement practice. This will be an exploration of your inner nature, an engagement with fundamental tools through which you can forge a stronger, more resilient, and more connected self.

The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul.

-Khalil Gibran

Over the past few years many scientific studies have shown these practices — collectively known as hormesis — to increase longevity, health, and resilience across an extremely wide range of biological markers. The scientific evidence may be new, but the practices are thousands of years old; many cultures throughout the world have used these tools to heal and strengthen the body, mind, and spirit for as long as our species has been in existence.

You can purchase tickets here or from Sonoma Like it Hot. Read about our methods on our sister site here.

If you are currently pregnant, have a severe heart condition, or have any other health concerns that you’d like to discuss, please email with details before signing up.

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Coherence | Body
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